Harris County Pollution Control Services Department
- For Emergency environmental concerns call: 713-920-2831
- For Non emergencies, use the online PCS complaint form to report air, water, or solid waste pollution.
Since its formation, the LPCAC community members have advised plants on what the community expects in terms of communication and plant coordination with communities in the Bayshore and surrounding areas during a significant industry incident such as a fire, explosion, or toxic release as well as during other noticeable incidents. LPCAC members encourage local community members to make use of the links that follow to obtain facts during an incident and to take appropriate action when needed.
- CAER Online, provided by East Harris County Manufacturers Association, is where Plant incidents that are noticeable and potentially concerning to the community are posted as messages online and on the CAER Online App (Apple Store or Google Play).
- The City of La Porte uses AlertLP a system designed to make contact via phone, texts, or email to specific people or areas in the event of an emergency or for sharing important information.
- La Porte, Morgan’s Point, and Shoreacres Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)- website, learn what to do in a chemical emergency.
- Check out Greater Harris County 9-1-1's Emergency Profile Service and their "call if you can, text if you can't" service.
- Check ReadyHarris provided by the Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. They offer helpful information about weather and other events.
- Use the HoustonTranstar website to check on traffic jams and road closures or download the app. (Apple Store or Google Play)
- Harris County’s Community Air Monitoring Program (CAMP) dashboard allows users to see the daily and yearly average for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and daily particulate matter (PM) values at fixed monitoring positions throughout the county. Data from the five Houston Regional Monitoring (HRM) monitors located in east Harris County can be viewed here as well.
- Houston Air Quality Treads compiled by Houston Regional Monitoring, covers results of monitoring ozone, air toxics, and fine particulate matter by HRM, TCEQ, and others.
- Petrochem works is an interactive website that allows individuals looking for work in the petrochemical industry to link their skills, interests, and education to the kind of jobs available in this industry.
- East Harris County Manufacturers Association (EHCMA) is a professional organization that includes more than 130 manufacturing companies.
- American Chemistry Council represents a diverse set of companies engaged in the business of chemistry.
- Texas Chemical Council is a statewide trade association of chemical manufacturing facilities in Texas.
- Channel Industries Mutual Aid is a non-profit organization combining the fire-fighting, rescue, hazardous material handling and emergency medical capabilities of the refining and petrochemical industry in the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area.